When should I take a pregnancy test?
After the completed embryo transfer, there are days full of uncertainty,...
Cinnamon is rich in a substance with powerful healing properties
There are two types of cinnamon: Ceylon...
Are cats good for mental health?
Little did we know, that cats help our mental health just by being themselves....
How do I prepare for my first IVF process?
IVF is a tearful process. Not always our doctors can and have...
How do I choose an IVF doctor?
In the beginning, when you are faced with the fact that you cannot become...
2 tablets of spirulina of 500 mg
1 lemon (can be whole with peel, or peeled or...
What is Hashimoto?
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder. Normally, your autoimmune...
Food and the chances of getting pregnant
Many times I have asked myself if food has a role in increasing...
Good morning drink
Start the day with lots of energy
Good morning suggestion